October 24, 2010 — ghYES! You can grow your sprouts and greens INDOORS ALL YEAR ROUND with an inexpensive little 11 watt florescent bulb.
It’s super easy, super simple and takes hardly any time at all! The nutritional benefits are… priceless. (Nice source for such light bulbs: Ikea : )
Today: Kamut Grass Sprouts Kamut is a Variety of Ancient Wheat |
You can use almost any sproutable grain. Many of the natural food stores carry organic grains that will sprout. Sprouting is inordinately valuable. Not only are nutrients released, nutritional factors are released and nutrient content skyrockets. You can eat many sprouts as they are, or you can allow them to grow for juicing.
Easily Grow Greens Indoors : ) |
This picture goes to show that you can grow greens anywhere. Here they grow on my little kitchen work table under a computer lamp that was acquired for only $14.95 at a local computer store.
Note: You can put several plants beneath your light. I’ve used just one for demonstration purposes. ALSO… for those who prefer incandescent bulbs – you can use a regular grow light bulb. They usually start at 40 watts and go up from there. The incandescents may cost a little more to run. At 10 cents per Kilowatt hour, a florescent bulb can run about $3 a month while an incandescent can go upwards of $10 or so. However, can grow at least 4 pots under such a bulb, saving lots of money. If you have natural window light, you can save even more! (Be careful to protect your little plants from window cold by using aluminum foil or bubble wrap. : )
To Begin… Here we have some sprouted kamut grain and a prepared clay pot with soil |
You can sprout in almost any container with some sort of cover! Here I used an old family heirloom – an old pyrex pot. I merely tip it over with lid held shut by fingers to empty out the water.
SECRET: You can LOW WATER SPROUT! All that rinsing? Not necessary! I just pour the “rejuvelac” or sprout water into a large container, add more water and feed my plants! Plants heal and thrive with such water which is slightly acidic and contains nutritional factors. You can do a rinse once a day without touching the sprouts. Our hands have natural bacteria which is normal and fine. But the less we touch the sprouts, the less likely for “souring” or contamination. The sprouts have been soaked for 1 day (approximately 24 hours) then allowed to sprout for 2 days.
A Layer of Sprouts |
Here I’ve layered the sprouts approximately 1/3 of an inch high in a simple clay pot. You can sprout in any container – even a plastic bag. No holes on the bottom are necessary! You will notice I will not even use a coaster or saucer.
A Nice 1/3 inch covering of soil |
I put a layer of soil over the sprouts. The soil will help keep the sprouts moist and dark. Soon, they will erupt out of the soil which I will then remove to be put back into the worm bin. Ask me to do a worm bin pictorial! (So easy, fun, and the most adorable little pets.
The pot can be placed anywhere indoors |
Here I place the pot on my little kitchen storage table nestled among my little mess. NO, i don’t eat peanut butter, someone else does. Freedom of eats. : )
Overnight, the sprouts pop right through the soil. Here, I’ve removed the soil cover which the sprouts handily pushed out of the way. All the babies look lively and healthy. |
As you watch your sprouts grow, you may be amazed at how much vitality they radiate. And, there’s such a wonder in the magic of a seed… At first glance, it’s a hard little thing that seems quite dead. Then, with the magic of moisture, it roars to life busting with living energy. You will be amazed how quickly the grass grows. In the above picture, they are approximately an inch and a half tall.
The next day, they’re TWO inches tall and growing by the MINUTE. |
If you watch carefully, you can see them rise… : ) It’s late morning and the grass sprouts are already approaching 2- 3 inches tall. I turn the lamp off at night and turn it on during the day. The 11 watt bulb uses very little electricity.
The grass reaches for the light… |
Some blades grow more quickly than all the rest. It’s as if they’re little grass athletes. The taller, stronger plants are those you may wish to let go to seed so that you’ll have a faster growing crop next growing season.
Growing season for greens is all year round when growing indoors!
Beautiful, isn’t it? |
There’s such a beauty in the small blades when you take a look close up and personal. Tiny, green spires of perfection reaching for the light.
Water Droplets Collect on the Grass Tips |
Water collects on the tips of the glass blades. The droplets look like little gems in the light. I sprinkle a little water on the sprouts in the morning and evening. Very little… just enough to keep the soil and sprout seeds moist. Water gravitates to the top of the blades. Amazing!
Jeweled Water Droplets – Another View… |
Another jeweled shot… Each little droplet is a magnificent little globule held in suspended animation.
A Closeup… |
In the wild, in the early morning dawn, insects and animals can take drinks of the delicious little “dewdrops,” the purest and most natural of distilled waters. Some say, it’s living water.
Evening… |
In only 1 day, the grass has grown 3 – 4 inches. Tomorrow we can begin to harvest and juice. : )
Morning and the Sprouts are Ready |
In only 2 days, we have tall, beautiful, lush sprouts. Time to pluck!
Shorn, the “Plucked” Sprouts Go Back Under the Light |
Here, the sprouts have been “plucked.” All the blades from the top of the patch have been plucked from their stems. The growing will continue. I store my plucked sprouts in a little glass with a bit of water at the bottom.
Little Glass of Sprouts |
Ready for juicing, nibbling, adding to blended smoothies and drinks. But most especially enjoyed by Monsieur Le Hamstere : )
The next day AFTER having been plucked! |
The sprouts have risen anew, ready for more plucking! Because we planted the seeds 1/3 of an inch thick, we will continue to be able to harvest for several days. Additionally, the stems continue to put forth more growth. Soon, we can plant anew! If we had planted several pots, one every other day, then refreshed each one, we would have a continuous supply all year round!
Guess what? We can do this with all sorts of delicious, nutritious, marvelous, wonderful, GREENS! Happy Growing! |
The Law of Attraction vs. the Law of Creation
October 10, 2010 — ghThe Law of Attraction vs. the Law of Creation
Having clarity of thought is precipitated by a well functioning body and mind that is fueled and enhanced by the very best nutrition possible; the nutrition provided by fresh raw fruits, vegetables, seeds, nuts and sprouted grains.
Adhering to these dietary principles, natural-health-minded individuals reflect healthy mind, spirit and body in physicality AND actions.
The Law of ATTRACTION – What Is It?
What is the Law of Attraction? Basically, it is a belief that is based upon the premise that like attracts like, or that similar types of energies attract one other.
The Law of Attraction, Feelings, Thinking
The Law of Attraction infers that when you feel about and think about something strongly, you are then likely to manifest it into your life. How is this?
It is by the very acts of thinking, concentrating, focussing on and FEELING the feelings of what you wish to experience in your life that your own mind and the Universe seem to conspire to make it so. Your thoughts have the power to attract what you are focussed upon.
This seems to work for both positive and negative. Therefore, focussing on, concentrating on the positives and what you truly want in life will help make your dreams come true for you.
You see, you DO have the power to manifest what you want in your life by using the power of your own imagination and ability to FEEL.
Sound unbelievable? Perhaps. But it works. This amazing power of your own mind is available to you.
So, How Do You Make This Work For Yourself?
First of all, think about what you are saying. Perhaps you say that you are rich, wealthy, safe, happy. But instead, you feel poor, insecure and angry.
How do you think your life is going to be able to reflect what you say, when your feelings are in such opposition?
It turns out that it’s likely your life will reflect your feelings more so than your words.
The Law of Attraction does work. What you need to do is stop this Ping Pong game of this going back and forth of making positive, affirming statements while feeling negative, hopeless, upsetting thoughts.
What Do You Do?
Restructure your thought patterns in SUCH a way that you constantly focus and REFOCUS on what you truly WANT to experience. Now, this will take a great deal of effort in the beginning….
Go back to the FEELINGS of being safe, empowered, abundant. Your mind will go back and forth in a ping pong game. This will need to happen for quite a while until the NEW EMOTIONAL PATTERNS are truly established and firmly anchored into your personality.
This is when the Law of Attraction becomes the Law of CREATION.
The Law of Attraction can be considered a simplistic, more passive law. You think rich, your become rich. Your feel rich, your become rich.
In a way, there is truth to this. But there is a way to speed up the process and make the Law of Attraction work more quickly and intensely for yourself.
Taking Action
It starts with the emotional effort. Then it progresses to TAKING ACTION.
Let’s say that you want to create more money in your life. Where does it start?
It starts with feelings – feelings of abundance, that you are deserving of success. Then, you feel the feelings you would have if you were holding all the money you need in your hands. You feel the joy, the safety, the comfort, the security.
By focussing on what you REALLY, TRULY want in your life in detail and imagining having it, helpful people and situations will be drawn into your world as if by magic.
Your own mind and the power of the Universe and God have conspired to provide to you what you have wanted and felt so strongly about.
This is simply how the Universe and your own subconscious works on your behalf.
Now’s the Time
It’s NOW the time to ACT instantly without hesitation upon the hints and opportunities that the Universe is providing to you.
This is the moment when the Law of Attraction turns into the Law of Creation. It is the moment when you ACT upon your feelings and grab these opportunities and take advantage of them.
It’s not JUST about thinking about and feeling the feelings of having what you want… it’s ALSO about taking ACTION when these opportunites present themselves.
Your Actions Can Also Be INTERACTIONS
Your responsive actions do not have to be stiff, formal, regimented. They can also be in the form of INTERACTIONS with people and new circumstances. Everything will work together to help you to expand your horizons allowing you to explore new possibilities.
Suddenly, you may notice your world evolving with new energy flows and wave patterns. Now is the time to run with it! Move! Flow! Go with the new energies!
The situations in your life will evolve and rise to higher and higher levels until you are in the vibrational energy that you wish to be in. The world around you has become harmonious with the desires and wishes you want to experience.
Create Your Dreams… Feel Your Dreams… And You WILL Manifest Them with the Power of the Mind and the Universe.